Who am I?

I'm Wilson McDade, a senior computer science major at the Rochester Institute of Technology. I am currently seeking a January 2025 fulltime position.

I have always been fascinated by computer hardware. My interests range from embedded development to lighting displays to data science. I have built antennas to work with a $25 dollar software defined radio and I have driven a motor and motor controller salvaged from a broken treadmill. I hope to continue projects like this and do a write-up as a resource to others. Below are write-ups of my past projects including my thoughts and recommendations.

Linked is my resume

Personal Blog

Decoding radio transmissions received by a consumer Software-Defined Radio

I used a 25 dollar software-defined radio connected to homemade antennas in order to receive radio transmissions from airplanes and satellites.

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Building a homemade Go-Kart using a salvaged treadmill motor and an arduino

With an arduino, I was able to control the salvaged linear actuator, motor, and motor controller of a broken treadmill. With this set up, I attempted to create a working go-kart.

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